Food Bank of the Rockies

May 2024



Food Insecurity Continues to Rise

Think for a moment about your family and friends. Picture their faces and consider the things you appreciate most about them. Then choose nine of them to hold in your mind. Young, old, new friend, life-long friend, child, partner, sibling: it can be anyone. Now, imagine that one of these people doesn’t have enough to eat. 

The most recent data from Feeding America’s Map the Meal Gap study reveals that the scenario above applies to Colorado: One in nine people are food insecure. Included among those people are the one in seven kids in Colorado who experience food insecurity. 

Nationally, the statistics are even more dire, with one in eight people — including one in five kids — reporting that they were food insecure in 2022 (the most recent data available). 

While the causes of food insecurity vary drastically from person to person, the common thread remains: hunger affects every aspect of a person’s life, whether it’s childhood development and school work, avoiding medical issues, or just having the energy to live life fully. 

At Food Bank of the Rockies, we are unwavering in our mission to nourish anyone in our communities that is in need of food, whether it’s a one-time need or an ongoing situation. With the cost of food remaining significantly higher than pre-COVID levels and support from the federal government notably less than it used to be, we need your help to make our mission feasible. Every dollar and hour donated means we can continue showing up for our neighbors how and when they need us most. Thank you for partnering with us; we couldn’t do our work without you.

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Eric and his family highly value volunteering and make it a priority to donate their time whenever they can. "It feels really good to volunteer and give back to our community," he shared.”

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Partnering with Local Producers a Win-Win

Food Bank of the Rockies Western Slope recently received the Friend of Agriculture Award, recognizing our strong partnerships with regional producers.


Behind the Scenes of the Food Rescue Program

From manufacturers and retailers donating food, to Hunger Relief Partners getting that food onto the plates of community members, watch how our Food Rescue Program works.

9Cares Colorado Shares

The 9Cares Colorado Shares summer campaign kicks off on Friday, May 24! You can help neighbors in our community experiencing hunger by donating at your local King Soopers and City Market stores between May 24–June 9 at the register, or by clicking the button below. And be sure to tune in to 9News for stories featuring hunger-relief efforts across the state!


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Food Bank of the Rockies

10700 E. 45th Ave. | Denver, CO 80239

